Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Angel

There is a Christmas Angel!

Today a young man came by the group home for foster boys that I work at and delivered a wonderful gift to one of our boys. The young man was a skateboard designer and was applying for a job. Before he left he asked if  any of our boys liked to skateboard and left a brand new one to be given away.

We do have a sixteen year old, who loves to skateboard, but his broke about a month ago. He has been out pounding the pavement trying to get a job and early this week had been so down in the dumps he was in my office asking how I had gotten my job. He was suppossed to go on a home visit today, but had the date confused with tomorrow, so yet another let down. Earlier today, he was riding a "razor" scooter and took a nasty fall. You could see the level of dejection and sorrow beginning to envelop him.

When we gave him the skateboard, you could just see the cloud lift!  He could not believe that someone would just bring a board here without being prompted, and especially one that was his size! He just wanted to know who he "could hug" to say thank you. He literally skipped out of the office! So, to the Chirstmas Angel wherever you have just made a child's day and given him back a little bit of belief that there is something very special about Christmas.  God Bless.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Charitable Giving This Holiday Season

WXEL's "On The Money" recently aired (11/25 & 11/27) this broadcast about charitable giving this holiday season. There are many charities in need of support, but donors really should take the time to investigate how healthy these charities are. Listen to the attached for some good suggestions about how to evaluate your favorite charity.  Happy Holidays to all!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Remain on task

November 5, 2009

One of the most difficult things that fundraisers need to do is to remember what activties will generate short or long-term returns for the university, college or not-for-profit that you work for. Carve out time each day that is focused on the long-term return. Write a thank you note, research a new lead, read the local business journal and identify five new people that you want to meet next week.  Then pick up the phone or write a note to mention that you saw them in the journal, congratulate them on work well done, or their benefit to the communtiy in which you live. Each day if you give out positive and genuine caring to the communtiy that you serve, it will come back to all!  The activity always pays off.  Remember, this is not rocket science, just hard work.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NRDC - Doing Great Work

NRDC is an outstanding organization.  New book posted for sale by NRDC President Frances Beinecke.  Go to